Thursday 19 May 2016

The day the wols came to skull

The above is a reference to AA Milne's Winnie the Pooh stories and his affable character Owl who considered himself to be of great intelligence...which, I have no doubt he was...even though his letters get a bit mixed up!!

So, the day the owls came to school, the children were delighted and drew some lovely drawings, which they were pleased to show me on my brief lunch hour visit to the art department in which to also sketch these beautiful birds.

Owls at School

The cast list was as follows:

Boo - Eurasian Eagle Owl  - splendid and impressive looking huge brown owl with furry talons and eyes that watched everything;

Timone - Barn Owl - pretty little owl with heart-shaped face who spent a lot of time asleep - being 28 years old I think he was entitled;

Otis - White-Faced Scops Owl - tiny little grey owl with 'moustache' and huge orange eyes, constantly looking like he was about to nod off;

Ruben - Brown Wood Owl - interesting looking brown Asian owl with incredible streaky markings and very quiet and docile temperament;

Bundi - Vermiculated Eagle Owl - grey African owl with the most huge dark eyes and curious nature, spinning his head round every time my pen got anywhere near my paper!




These fantastic creatures were kindly brought to school by the Corio Raptor Care and Rehabilitation centre in Lancashire, details can be found on their website.